I am Sue, I'm someone who cares and who will take the time to listen. I am a certified Council of Love teacher, and a lifelong spiritual student and artist.
Heart communication is my language and specialty.
I am is a software engineer and technology guru. So why am I also a Council of Love Spirit Life coach? Because I follow my heart.
There is a certain purity and beauty in the Council of Love Teaching and Coaching. A gentle and powerful spirit love.
I am something of a Spiritual Navigator, teaching others how to navigate a course toward spiritual awakening by finding their own internal, spiritual GPS.
Did you know that you are comprised of powerful energy systems that when activated and used, can be mighty aids in achieving what you want?
As a Council of Love Teacher, I am offering my help to you as you travel the path to your life goals. Give yourself this chance to receive the very thing that will make your heart sing.
Let me speak the truths in words that will resonate and take root in your life.
I can walk with you as you journey into all of your questions and deepest concerns.
Lee's students learn to utilize their third eye to see and read blindfolded, discovering we truly live in a magical universe with unlimited possibilities! In this engaging and interactive workshop.
If you have search in every way you know for what I call “the energies,” then perhaps I can lend a hand.
I believe all humanity can rise up into a new state of being, a new way of living, a new normal of peace love, and joy within and in communion with All our Relations upon planet Earth.