Tam Randles
Tam’s life changed in an instant when she was in a potentially fatal car accident. After making it to the hospital and undergoing a cat scan, she experienced something extraordinary. Tam remembers sliding out of the machine and being enveloped in a pure white light. There was no fear, no pain, just peace. It was then that she felt her “self” return to her body, and her perspective on life shifted. Tam began to question the meaning of her existence and embarked on a search for answers.
That search led her to The Council of Love, an organization that helps people rediscover their true selves as loving beings with a purpose. Tam became a Teacher and Coach for the organization, offering her experiences and insights to help others who may be feeling lost, hurt, or unloved. She understands what it’s like to hit rock bottom and to feel like there’s no way out, but she also knows that it’s possible to find the love and healing that we all seek.
If you see yourself in Tam’s words and are searching for a path to healing and self-discovery, she is here to help. Whether you just need someone to talk to or want guidance on your journey, Tam is available to listen and offer compassion and patience. You can reach her at 1-740-973-6295, and there’s no obligation to continue beyond an initial conversation.
Tam believes that we all have the ability to bring beauty and love into the world, and she wants to help you discover what it is that you bring. She promises to understand your pain and frustration and to offer hope through her own experiences and teachings. Tam’s message is one of Love, Life, and Light, and she hopes to share that message with you.