Roxanne Smith


Roxanne Smith

My name is Roxanne Smith, and I am passionate about guiding people to play a more active role in their health and well-being. I thrive on helping people feel their best so they can create and live their best life.

I’ve spent most of my life learning about the mind-body-spirit connection and how I could heal from my health issues from birth. Out of necessity, I discovered at an early age how to tune in, listen and find out what I needed to manage pain, stress (which triggered pain), and anxiety while growing a healthy mind, body, and spirit. More importantly, I realized that no one would know me better than I knew myself, and I had to pay more attention to what made me feel good vs. what drained my energy, what my triggers were, and what was holding me back and of course what made my heart sing. I believe this is true for all of us. To create change in your life, you must shift from seeking all the answers externally to relying more on your innate wisdom to heal and create a more fulfilling life.

I have been a practicing Massage Therapist, Energy Practitioner, and Health Coach for nearly two decades. More recently, I became a Spirit Life Coach and Mind-Body Medicine facilitator to round out my work teaching the inner sciences of heart, spirit, mind-body, and energy. During this time, I have had the privilege of working with well over a thousand people around the globe to gain the skills and knowledge they needed to awaken, heal and transform their lives.

If you want a life beyond what you’re living right now, you’ll have to do things you’ve never done before. When you are ready and committed to creating change, let me be your master guide and cheerleader as we work together toward you feeling your best and creating your best life. You can contact me at
