Rob Loveland
Hello. I’m a certified Council of Love (COL) Teacher and SpiritLife Coach. After decades of study of many different spiritual traditions and sources, I’ve found the COL offers a playbook for practical application to bring peace of mind and peace of heart.
I have been on the spiritual path since high school, starting with Edgar Cayce, and finding my way through A Course in Miracles, the Law of One, and a number of religious sources, but I grew tired of studying. I shared Stephen Trevor Rich’s assessment that I felt like I was in God’s waiting room and I’d read all the magazines. Through all this, I’m convinced that all sources teach the same message, but each approach it from a slightly different perspective and focus. I’ve come to learn that “being spiritual” is really about understanding who we are, why we are here, and what role we are already playing.
After a long career in government as a computer scientist, I am an intellectual problem-solver, but I’ve learned to fully embrace my spiritual side. In fact, recently I’ve learned how to channel messages from the COL, something I would not have thought possible two years ago. You see, we all hold within us the power to access our multi-dimensional spirit, and the COL will guide is to find the answers within.
I live in the Baltimore, Maryland (USA) area and am an avid sailor, crewing in weekly northern Chesapeake Bay yacht club races, while also day-sailing my own 24-ft trimaran, “Alicin.” As every sailor knows, an epic sailing adventure begins with charting a course. In that sense, I am a Spiritual Navigator, coaching and teaching others how to navigate a course toward spiritual awakening by finding their own internal, spiritual GPS. I see myself as a lighthouse, serving as a steady beacon to help others find their way through the storms of life, relying on their internal compass to navigate their way toward the ultimate spiritual destination.
I can be reached through my website at Loveland-slc.com.