Lee Degani
Meet Lee Degani, the founder of Connection to Healing and the Infinite Child Institute. Lee is a dynamic and extraordinary teacher who brings the mystical and magical secrets of the universe within easy reach for children and adults of all ages. Her passion for teaching is evident in her most recent program where students learn to utilize their third eye to see and read blindfolded, discovering the unlimited possibilities of a magical universe!
Lee’s teachings draw on various modalities, including Kabbalistic Healing, Sound Healing, 13th Octave LaHoChi, Color Therapy, Reiki, Quantum Touch, and Energy Releasement Therapy. Her commitment to helping her clients is unmatched. She follows her higher guidance in every session, whether she’s working with an individual or a group. Lee is licensed as a Council of Love Teacher and SpiritLife Coach and is a certified teacher in the state of Florida.
But Lee’s passion doesn’t stop there. She loves working in her magical garden filled with ponds, fairies, and secret places. She loves playing her piano and harpsichord, creating beautiful tablescapes, and writing in her blog, Lee’s Love Notes. And her favorite activity of all is playing with her three young grandchildren!
Lee offers classes as well as private healing and coaching sessions for adults, children, and teens. Her greatest joy is teaching her students and clients spiritual tools to access Joy as a gateway to the spiritual realm and their own Infinite Self to create the life they desire.
With 45 years of marriage to her husband, David, Lee has found the love and support to continue pursuing her passions. Join Lee on her journey and take your next step towards Connection to Healing.
Lee can be reached at:lee@connectiontohealing.org