Jeri Burgdorf
I’m a proud Council of Love Coach specializing in every kind of communication, both formal and personal, at every level of our lives. In about a minute, you will see how the formal and personal puzzle pieces fit together to create something that you will want to know about.
First, I want you to know that there is a subtle and gentle power that exists just below the level of your awareness – except for those moments when it surfaces and changes everything.
No, it’s not love, though it may be love’s sister.
Here’s the question: Have you ever been with someone, even for a moment, who left such an impression…who touched your life in such a deep way… that you carried the experience with you, never to be forgotten?
What is that? What do they have or know? And how do you find it?
Well, of course, I’m describing it for you because we will discover it together right here. For that matter, you will experience it not just with me, but with each Council of Love Coach and Teacher.
I hope you will consider joining me for a one-hour coaching experience so that we can walk through that concept, and talk about your needs.
This knowledge and practice can make a stunning change in your life and work. A client who owned a business in the oil and gas arena once told me that this knowledge had been worth $50,000 to him in a recent one-hour business meeting. And yet, it is the opposite of manipulation. And that’s why it works. That’s also why it works for executives and for their children. I have deep experience with both.
The general theory in business, and sometimes in life is that we have to use pressure to get what we want. That theory is actively believed and practiced. The problem is that it isn’t true.
The truth is that people are so shocked if you have their best interest at heart that they see you as a cherished ally and come to trust you. They then choose to help and cooperate with you if they can. This is not ‘pie in the sky.’ This is what’s real.
We have generally been taught ‘strong arm’ techniques that generate either fear or resistance. In the clear light of day, does that seem like a good idea? Of course not!
To team up with someone, to join them in a project or venture, and to support them. That works!
People cannot in the mid or long term, be managed or persuaded by fear. That tactic will turn on you. It teaches negotiation as taking someone on and defeating them…like gladiators. And it creates mistrust and uncertainty while building a ‘protect yourself by attacking’ mentality…which is the precursor to a failure in that relationship. It’s the only possible outcome.
So, what to do?
There is an answer. It’s simple and deeply engaging for any age and situation. Yes, adults. And yes, young people….sometimes much younger than you may think. It creates trust and builds relationship. And therefore, it creates success at every level of your life: business and personal.
If you can spare an hour, meet with me once. Let me roll out this powerful knowledge for you to consider. Give me one hour. And in the meantime, pick up my book at Amazon, called Missing Element: The Mystery of ME. You will find some of the answers there.
I hope to hear from you. It will be a pleasure to meet you and to hopefully begin our work together.
Many Fortune 100 CEOs, and even more Fortune 500 CEOs have already incorporated this knowledge into their lives and businesses. The results have been very close to unbelievable.
Ask me for a client list.
I am both a business coach and a coach certified by my friends at The Council of Love.
What better balance is there? Business is about people. Our lives are about people. How could that combination be anything but stunning in its results…and that’s a promise!
Please contact me with questions so that we can discuss your needs and see if we have a fit. It will be my pleasure to meet you.
Jeri Burgdorf