Janet Goss
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away”
I wonder whether these words from William Shakespeare ring as true for you as they do for me?
Finding the gifts within life’s challenges seems to be my path and as you well know, sometimes the gifts hidden within the pain and hardship are tough to find. But in my experience, they’re always there. I wonder if you’ve felt that?
It can feel as if our lives are roller coasters filled with ups and downs, thrills and pain. The real question is, can we reclaim the wonder, joy, clarity, and balance back into our lives? The answer is “Yes.” If you’ve been to the heights and depths of life, you are probably wondering how to know which road to choose? How will you find your life’s direction? If you feel that it would help to walk the path with someone who understands, a friendly coach to help along the way; it would be my honour to walk with you.
There’s no need to travel this path alone. If you’ve mostly met the challenging side of your life and would like to find wholeness and joy, I hold out a hand to you. But this isn’t just any help. It’s a deeply spirit-guided coaching help through the Council of Love, which will be crafted just for you. The coaching I bring is practical and immediately useful.
My life path evolved into a blessed journey as a Spirit Life Coach and Teacher with Linda Dillon and colleagues, guided by the Council of Love – The Mother/Father/One, ascended masters, saints, and angelic beings. There is a certain purity and beauty in the Council of Love Teaching and Coaching. A gentle and powerful spirit love. The source of this is my deep caring and intuitive understanding, combined with the Council of Love’s powerful guidance forward onto a balanced life path.
Believe it or not, this is your heretofore unknown spirit family. . . . and it’s time for a reunion my friend.
There is nothing remotely like the loving guidance from these spiritual guardians who have loved and guided you for eons. Yes, it’s true. Just because you don’t yet know it, doesn’t make it untrue. Your role is simple: just open to receive.
It’s time. Walk with me into a future in which nothing is as it was before. This is what awaits you. You don’t believe it can happen? Give me an hour…just one hour of stepping into the trust that your life can be whole again. If you’re reading this, you’re ready for the gifts within life’s challenges. Shall we open doors together?
Allow me to meet with you and show you what I mean.