Genoveva Coyle
Picture a three-year-old…a child who had been alive 36 months…and imagine that tiny being running outside and saying: “I am here to take people’s suffering away.”
Imagine yourself even starting a sentence with the words: “I am here to…”
A child speaks of her mission, probably without knowing what a ‘mission’ is…but feeling it nonetheless.
That was Genoveva Coyle at three, she was and is, here now to alleviate people’s suffering.
Gen is a medical doctor, living the mission she spoke of as a child. Does that seem special? Unusual? It may seem so, but as she experienced it, there is a path for all of us if we know how to look.
With her guidance, you can talk about finding clarity in your life, then you can move into your dreams and begin to believe in your own path
– your own reason for being. Alleviating suffering can look like Gen is sitting with you listening to your pains and dreams.
That’s how it starts. What Gen brings is her guidance in the direction of your dreams, your wishes…and perhaps even walking with you as you uncover your true purpose. What a gift that is to anyone’s life at any point.
Yes, she knew things at three that couldn’t have been known. Right? But her life proves that she did know, that she still knows and continues to live that. And now Gen has taken another step of trust and knowing. She has studied with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love and has achieved the level of Certified Teacher and Coach. What that means for you is that this loving, unassuming trailblazer is waiting to hear from you so that she can offer her support and guidance. She’s a gentle teacher who will validate and value you.
In 2012, I had a multitude of spiritual awakenings that changed my perception of healing, and of the world in general, in ways that I never imagined possible. I found the missing piece, that forgotten connection with the Source, with Mother/Father/God. While working on deepening this connection within myself…I realized that I could not truly help anyone with their suffering unless I could clear my own pain and suffering.
Then, the true meaning of “taking other’s suffering away”, became obvious, that “I am not here to take anything away from others, but I am here to create a space of love and creative energy that allows others to find their own way into the freedom of their Soul.
I am here to share the teachings and the healing tools of the Council of Love so that anyone can come and take a fresh breath, stretch into their inner stillness, and then expand into the truth of who and what they truly are, into the magnificence of their own divinity.
Let’s meet and talk a bit. I’m so hoping to hear from you so that we can sit together and get to know each other. . .then, shall we do that?”