I am faithful to myself and others.

Written by on November 11, 2020

Being faithful is important. Faithfulness can be challenging, but it has numerous benefits.

When I am faithful to my friends and loved ones, it creates a greater level of trust. Trust is important to all relationships. I cherish my relationships and do all I can to support them and help them grow.

I am faithful to myself. I live by my morals and values. I do what I think is right, even when the consequences are challenging.

I make decisions that support my goals. I avoid betraying my future with impulsiveness and poor choices.

I eat healthy foods and take care of my body and health. I exercise and visit the doctor regularly. I take care of my mental health, too. I avoid stressing myself and maintain positive thoughts and expectations.

Being faithful is the path for me. I feel good when I make decisions that exemplify this belief.

By living a faithful life, I have the right to expect the same from others. I am also helping myself when I am faithful.

Today, I am faithful to myself and others. It is easy to make decisions when I remember to be faithful. Faithfulness guides my decisions today.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What do I need to do in order to be more faithful to myself?
2. How has a lack of faithfulness cost me in the past?
3. What could I do right now to be more faithful?
