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I know that my Creator has a plan in store for me that can only lead to true happiness and well-being, so I endeavor to follow the plan and fulfill my purpose. I make every effort to listen to the whispers from above. However, I acknowledge that there are times when I become anxious and […]


I enjoy the fact that life is a bit of mystery and that I can’t possibly predict the future. It keeps my life exciting! I relax and enjoy each day because I am confident that I was put here for a reason. In following my dreams, I am gradually unfolding and revealing that purpose. I […]


My most important mission in life is to stay true to myself. I put a lot of worth on committing to the things I believe in. Even when unpopular, I choose to protect and uphold my beliefs because they keep me honest. Each day I encounter family, friends, and acquaintances. I am conscious of differences […]


I am grateful for the part that nature plays in maintaining my place in this world. The earth and all that moves on it and grows from it is the foundation of life. I play my part in treating nature respectfully. Planting trees is a regular part of my environmental activities. Breathing clean air is […]


Each day, I encounter situations that challenge, vex, or surprise me. Some of these challenges are quite tough, yet I choose to meet these issues head-on and hold my head up high. I have confidence that I can confront any situation in life. I use my courage to make it through the struggles I encounter. […]


I find that when I am clear with myself about my life priorities, I make the best choices of how to spend my time. When I choose to do what is important to me, I feel happier and more excited about my day. My life is a great adventure because I live how I want […]

